This year, blackberry is booming. Hahaha.. A lot of my friends using that. At the first, i want to buy it. But, I think I don't really need it. My Nokia 6120C and Nokia 2505 is suitable for someone like me, i think.
This year too, after blackberry, iphone is coming. You can get it only about 8 million. You know, I prefer to buy Nikon D90 than buy iphone or even blackberry.
So, which one is the best Iphone or Blackberry?
Blackberry Bold vs Iphone is like comparing Steak vs Lobsters.
Design :
Blackberry Bold:
Some could agree the Bold is the Sharpest and cleanest looking Blackberry ever to come out of Waterloo. With a complete black face, chrome border and sides, and faux black leather back, the device looks great. From all the matching chrome accents all over the phone to the simple and not confusing layout, RIM has designed a great Blackberry which should set the bar for future devices down the road.
If there's one iconic handset design in the last couple years, it would certainly be an Iphone. There is not too many people on earth who couldn't easily recognize the device. There are two color choices, each both work marvelously well with handset's design. It would be hard to find a more solid and sexy design on a phone. From the gorgeous screen to the matching black or white back, you've definitely got a true Apple product-totally minimalistic, yet offering enough access to the most commonly used functions.
Size :
The bold is the biggest Blackberry to be released in a pretty long time. Well, since the 8700. It is a larger in every way than the Blackberry 8800 and can sometimes feel a little hard to hold in one hand. It's definitely no curve.
Comparing it to the Iphone, the Iphone is a tad bit taller than the Bold, but less wide, and thinner. The Iphone feels much better when holding it and using it, but since the Bold's keyboard makes use of the larger size, we're going to call this one a tie because of the pretty comfy Bold QWERTY.
Screen :
As much as we'd love to say the Iphone's screen is better, it isn't. Not in terms of displaying graphics, text-based content, or even videos. Everything looks better on the Bold due to the incredibly dense ppi ratio. You have to see it to believe it. Honestly. On the other hand, the Iphone's screen is a close second, with a vibrant and large 3.5" display. When you are not using the on-screen virtual keyboard, the entire screen is your oyster, and you can make full use of it. We'd rather look at awesome MP3 album images, watch videos, web browse, and even look at our email on our Iphone rather than our Blackberry Bold. We'd rather use the Iphone specifically looking at the screen side of things, but we'd rahter look at the Bold's screen.
Battery life :
While the Bold has taken its fair share of battery life criticism, we are happy to report than we don't have a battery issue with the Bold at this point. The latest hardware and software are pretty top-notch when it comes to battery life, and you'd most likely get the same amount of usage out of the Bold as you would from your current Blackberry. Now, going up against the Iphone, we'd say the Bold wins. Not by too much, but definitely by a little bit. Again, there isn't too much of a difference that we are finding, but the Bold does last a little longer in everyday usage. So, which one will you choose?